A Simple Word

A simple word, a simple phrase,

can transport me back in a flash.

A sound, a voice, a smell

brings up painful memories in a dash.

Thoughts begin to flood my mind,

my heart begins to race.

Memories rush, emotions unfold,

reminding me of how I felt disgraced.

The past becomes the present,

and I lose my grip on what is real.

As the trigger holds me tight, releasing

feelings I don’t let myself feel.

Unprocessed painful emotions

buried deep inside me.

Rush to the surface of my heart,

in plain daylight, for all to see.

Within the darkness of my pain,

I seek to find the light.

That will free me from this prison,

and make everything alright.

I know I must face the fear

and the pain to truly heal.

To find the love and acceptance

my heart longs to feel.



  1. Carol anne Avatar

    That is beautiful Morgan! ❤


    1. Bluedophins Avatar

      Thank you!


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