Behind the Mask

Who I am is hidden from sight,

covered with a thousand facades.

Within myself, I must fight.

To conceal what is flawed.

An abomination, some will say.

A sinner, forever condemned to hell.

My destination, unless I change ways,

That kind of life, I know well.

A stranger to the world I present,

and my life becomes a lie.

I will go to any extent.

To the norms, I must comply.

Tears and fears reside,

Within a secret place of my soul.

Concealed from the view deep inside,

My heart, the world stole.

I live two different lives alone,

For the world says they can’t be one.

One life they say God can’t condone,

The other is as beautiful as the sun.

The world sees only what I show,

No more and no less.

My mask is who everyone knows,

It hides the feelings I can’t express.

Will I ever be free from this self-made trap?

Will I ever be allowed just to be?

I am so sick of all the world’s crap,

That tells me who I should be.


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