Dolphins of Beauty

Dolphins of Beauty

In sparkling waves

and the ocean’s peace.

These beautiful creatures

Put my mind at ease.

I watch them closely

as they dance and play,

In this solace moment,

I wish that I could stay.

Their fins slice through

the waves as knives do.

They leap into the air so freely.

Speaking in a way, I wish I knew.

Their clicks and whistles.

It is music to my ears.

My happiness abounds

through my joyful tears.

Their eyes are windows.

To love and grace.

Reflecting wisdom

that you cannot trace.

They travel in groups.

So, no one is alone.

Just for this moment,

I am not on my own.

They are a treasured sight,

even if only in my dreams.

Where pain is non-existent,

And my heart is esteemed.

They are a part of God’s creation

just like you and me.

A gift from above.

A reminder that I am free.



  1. Carol anne Avatar

    I love dolphins Kelly. This poem is beautiful ❤ ❤


    1. Bluedophins Avatar

      Thanks so much


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