The Wonders of Stories

My name is Ashley. I am one of the ones who live inside Riven. I plan on writing a short story about the discovery of a magic fairytale book that transports me into its stories and I have endless ideas of what happens in them, so I wrote this poem about doing that.

Every page within a book

takes me to a place I have never been.

A world of magic with just one hook.

It’s a chance to create my own spin.

Who is the real hero in my version?

The truth may surprise you.

I might create a diversion,

a maze you must walk through.

What is the real intention

of the wicked old witch?

I might grab hold of your attention.

With just one switch.

So, prepare yourselves for an adventure,

as I put a twist on these stories.

The truth about the pretender

might not be the one with all the glories.


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